Assalamualaikum! ohh yes , finally my pre-clinical years is over. Over means that i passed my Pre-clinical Professional Exam aka the worst most mentally and physically tiring exam of my life! (so far) Alhamdulillah. Alhamdullilah. Alhamdulillah.

So now im on my semester break. (which is why im writing a new entry, lol) This time around it is much more exciting because saya dapat cuti till bulan SEPTEMBER. Yes , you heard meSEMBILAN . NINE! yahoo. another thing to be greatful for . Alhamdulillah. i shall make use of my cuti because i heard it a lot from the seniors that year 3 aka clinical years is going to be much tougher. and currently im still trying to define "tougher". Will i be able to adapt and survive? Hopefully , pray for Ikaa Haris and her friends!

Talking about cuti , well i kinda wasted days of my cuti staying at college doing elective and as well as packing up things because we girls are moving to residential collage 1 . Which i shall write about it in another entry because thats a whole different story . Hint ; THE NEW HOUSE IS A NIGHTMARE. T.T

Currently im at home , trying to sort my mind up and stop myself from doing something stupid during cuti ie: stalking on my friends . LOL (Lifeless much? God Ikaa , grow up!! HAHA)  and im still trying to push myself to read up on Tally clinical examination (a book) which the docs reminded us to khatam kan the book before we enter our clinical years . Eheh , inshAllah . Kuat kan semangat , you can do it. :)

Assalamualaikum, till the next entry (entah bila la pulak tu kan? )

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