Assalamualaikum. Akhirnya , terasa lega sikit satu kerja dah beres ; elective report. Hectic day it was. But i learn quite a lot of things from doing this elective project. One thing that i will always remember, to never take advantage of others. Walaupun dalam case ni aku yang di-disadvantage-kan , aku belajar untuk bersabar dengan perangai manusia. To those who know me well, remembering back my old self i was not that kind of person that will take things easy. I say what i want to say , i curse whenever i feel like i want to, i tweet what i feel, unaware of others who are reading or watching. Well mostly doing things without even thinking about the consequences. Ohh yes back than i was quite "wild" you can say that. Or much of an attention seeker. But alhamdulillah , ever since i enrolled in this medical field, i learned so much ; to be patient is mostly it. Its not like im saying im a "good girl" all of a sudden but you can say that im still maturing , to become someone better in the future. I may say things rudely and i can be very blunt at times, because afterall im just trying to act human. Human have feelings too you know?
Oh well , now that the report is done , poster presentation is the only thing that is left. Hope my sister's friend do a god job on designing the poster. Amin.